Moscow was founded in 1934.
factory of processed
cheese "KARAT"

We produce processed, curdy cheese and other dairy products, including cottage cheese and feta. We also produce cheese for special purposes: for educational institutions and for astronauts on the International Space Station. And such well-known processed cheese as "Druzhba", "Jantar" and "Volna" went down in history of the country.

Продукция «Карат» входит в тройку крупнейших производителей плавленого и творожного сыра в России. А легендарные «Дружба»,«Янтарь», «Волна» и «Шоколадный» навсегда вписаныв историю целой страны

В портфеле наших брендов – плавленые сыры «КАРАТ», творожные сыры Violette, свежие молочные продукты под торговой маркой «КАРАТ Домашний» и Delissir Фета


All our products are produced on technologically advanced equipment from the best raw materials. Large-scale production is equipped with new automated lines, eco-friendly smoking chambers and modern modules for ultrafiltration of milk, the production of cottage cheese and cream cheese. Our testing laboratory daily exercises quality control over each batch by checking the microbiological, organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters.

KARAT has a certificate showing that the quality management system conforms to international standard GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001: 2008).
Our Awards

For more than 87 years the products of Moscow factory of processed cheese "KARAT" receive the highest ratings of customers and market experts. Numerous certificates and awards received in Russian and International exhibitions confirm the high quality of the products.

Numerous certificates and awards received in Russian and International exhibitions confirm the high quality of the products.
Numerous certificates and awards received in Russian and International exhibitions confirm the high quality of the products.
Numerous certificates and awards received in Russian and International exhibitions confirm the high quality of the products.
Numerous certificates and awards received in Russian and International exhibitions confirm the high quality of the products.
Numerous certificates and awards received in Russian and International exhibitions confirm the high quality of the products.
Numerous certificates and awards received in Russian and International exhibitions confirm the high quality of the products.
Наш адрес г. Москва, ул. Руставели д. 14 стр.11
м. Бутырская 2 мин Фирменный магазин работает ежедневно с 8.00 до 20.00, ул. Руставели д. 14 стр.11
+7 495 933 45 53 Канцелярия +7 495 933 45 53 Служба контроля качества
+7 495 933 45 53 Приёмная генерального директора +7 495 933 45 53 Департамент продаж и маркетинга
+7 495 933 45 53 Департамент логистики Почта для официальных обращений
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